Monthly Archives: October2013

Slađana from Croatia: Slađana was left without a father when she was 6 years old. Her mother found another man who maltreated her, after that she and her sister ended up in foster families.

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Sarah from Germany: Unconsciously, I tried to convince others of my “male” characteristics and of the fact that I was not such a “girlish” girl. I reinforced a world view that presents males as being superior over females.

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Natalie from Germany: I sometimes change direction, if one is forbidden. But not the way: I throw my short life into all the folded arms that cross my path.

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Mara from Albania: I have done 11 years of prison and I have always thought that this happened because I was not a man. I am happy just for one thing that this sex gave me, the chance to become a mother.

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Leila from Lebanon: We should “educate” Lebanese women to reevaluate the way they perceive themselves as beings. A women is not a sexual object nor a mere beautiful piece of art…

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Irena from Germany: I was born in 1962 in former East Germany and grew up in a small town called Sangerhausen. It was there that I spent a wonderful childhood…

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Hannah from Germany: “If you spoon me from behind, I feel like a woman. And I don’t know what I should do with my right arm!”, he says.

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013

Emira from Albania: I remember once there was a client who did not like his coffee and said to the manager: “This is what happens when you hire a woman, you lose clients. They have no idea how to prepare a coffee.”

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 created on: Friday, October 25th, 2013