“Equal for Equal” is looking for your story, your ideas and your expertise. If you want to get involved, just write an e-mail to: mail@equalforequal.org. You can suggest us to cooperate in another project or we try to come up together with a project idea. If you are interested in funding us, you are also very welcome, we mostly work on a voluntary base and are always looking for ways to finance our ideas!
“Equal for Equal” was initiated by different activists and organisations from different countries in Europe and the MENA region and was developed in December 2012 as part of the Cultural Innovators Network. The Cultural Innovators Networks (CIN) aims to bring together creative thinkers from around Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Through an exchange of ideas and experiences, participants take home new ideas and impact their societies through positive, cultural change.
Amazing news: Equal for Equal was awarded with the Intercultural Innovation Award 2014, which is a partnership between United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and BMW Group. Our project was selected from more than 600 projects worldwide and is part of a one-year capacity-building program with other 10 Award winners. The Intercultural Innovation Award aims to select and support the most innovative grassroots projects that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around the world.