Gender Data Report
[german] Annotated report about gender equality in Germany, published by the German Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
[english] Project initiated by the “OECD Development Centre” to facilitate the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender equality-related issues around the world.
CESI – Center for Education, Counselling and Research
[croatian] related to labor and social rights for women
Gender Politik Online
[german] Collection of teaching material about Gender Equality of the Free University (FU) Berlin
Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering an Environment
[english] Project in various fields of science for the integration of gender in European Research
Women’s and gender studies
[english] Collection of universities offering gender studies in the European Union, the US and Canada
[english] All master program in gender studies information in Europe
Deutsche Stiftung Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung
[english, german] German Foundation for gender studies with support of research projects in gender studies
Gender in EU funded research: Toolkit and Training
[english] Gender toolkit of the European Commission for gender equality in research
European Institute for Gender Equality
[english, lithuanian] Studies on gender-based violence to prevent and combat gender-based violence in the EU
[english] European informal feminist network for women’s rights, social justice and human rights
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
[english, french, spanish] International feminist membership organization for gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights
ROSA – Center for Women War Victims
[croatian] Women trafficking and prostitution, women victims of war
Equality Now
[english, french, spanish, arabic] Non-governmental organisation founded to work “for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls around the world”.
Karat Coalition
[english, polish, russian] Organisations’ and individuals’ coalition from Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia, working for women’s human rights and gender justice
[english, french, spanish, arabic, chinese, russian] United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign to end violence against women
The Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility of the Protection Cluster (GBV)
[english] Global level forum for coordinating prevention and response to GBV in humanitarian settings
Shelter House for abused women and children
[croatian] support to women and children who have survived violence, free legal and psychological counseling
[italian] Social cooperative which carries out awareness-raising, information and training agaist violence on women. Their operators work in centers for victims of violence.
„Rainbow“ – ZAGREB
[croatian] Home for children and adult victims of domestic violence
End violence against women now
[english, french, spanish] Virtual Knowlegde Centre to end Violence against women and girls of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
PSEA Task Force
[english, french, spanish, arabic] Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by our own staff
[english] UN action against sexual violence in conflict
Women against Violence Europe
[english] Feminist network promoting human rights of women and children
ŽENSKA SOBA – Center for Victims of Sexual Violence
[croatian] work with victims of sexual violence
[english, italian] Nonprofit organisation opposing male violence against women and adults violence against children, promoting a different relationship between men and women through the means of complete and selected information.
[english] Band from Olympia, Washington which is considered to the Riot-Grrl-Movement
The feminist art project
[english] international collaborative initiative celebrating the Feminist Art Movement
[german] Portrait series of the photographer Yvonne Most, which deals with gender identity
[english, german] Austrian media artist and one of the founders of a „feminist activism“
What is feminist art?
[english] Article of Blake Gopnik in the Washington Post
Feminist art base
[english] Online digital archive dedicated solely to feminist art, part of the Brooklyn Museum
List of women’s rights activits
[multilanguage] List on Wikipedia that shows women’s rights activists from different countries.
[english] Canadian electronic musician and performance artist who lives in Berlin
The uprising of women in the arab world
[english] Campaign against the oppression of women in the arab world.
Mighty girl
[english] A large collection of books, movies and music to raise confident girls.
Pussy riot
[english] Russian feminist girl punk band which uses public spaces to spread out their messages
B.a.B.e. – Organization for Women's Human Rights
[croatian] Free legal and psychological counseling for women and men (the field of counseling, domestic violence, marital relations, labor relations, property relations, counseling of victims in criminal or misdemeanor proceedings
One Billion Rising
[english] Global campaign by women, for women. The movement calls for an end to violence, and for justice and gender equality.
Riot Grrrl
[german] Underground feminist punk rock movement started in the early 1990s
[german] Twitter campaign in Germany against everyday sexism
Political movement and language
[german] Interview with Lann Hornscheidt, professor for gender studies and language analysis
Handbook for gender and language
[german] This handbook gives you practical information how to communicate in a gender-fair way in the german language
Handbook for gender and language
[english] Tips for using an inclusive and gender neutral language
Handbook for gender and language
[french] Handbook on practical information how to communicate in a gender-fair way in the french language
Gender equity in the US
[english] Study about the evolution of gender equity in US society over nearly 20 years
Rails Girls
[english] Rails Girls aims to give tools and a community for women to understand technology and to build their ideas
Gender and pay
[multilanguage] Basic information about the topic and more specific information about f. ex. “gender-related unequal pay”
Gender-inequality in organizations
[english] Approach what needs to be changed in organizations for more gender equality
[german] Network for female professionals and managers who work in or for New Media
Ich kauf’ das nicht
[german] Blog which collects sexist advertisements
The Gender Ads Project
[english] Website which is focused on the cultureal intersection between gender and advertsising
[english] Pinkstinks is a campaign that targets the products, media and marketing that prescribe heavily stereotyped and limiting roles to young girls
Aus Liebe zur Freiheit – Notizen zur Arbeit der sexuellen Differenz
[german] Blog of Antje Schruppe about feminism and post-gender
Black Amazon
[english] Blog on feminism
Everyday Sexism
[english] The blog catalogues instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis
Geek feminism
[english] Blog on women, feminism and geek culture
[german] Blog on feminism and a better society
Ms. Afropolitan
[english] Blog of Minna Salami, blogger, writer and commentator on African feminism, society and popular culture
[german] Magazine on feminism, politics, society, everyday life and culture
Everyday feminism
[english] Online magazine
Missy Magazin
[german] Magazine on Pop-Culture, politics and style with a feminist attitude
[german] Magazine on feminism, founded in 1977
[german] Scientistic magazine on gender, culture and society
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